God invented sex and it is a GREAT thing… If it is in the context in which He created it to be.
-Genesis 2:21-25
-Sex gets complicated when sin enters the picture
-When not done in the context in which it was meant to be sex becomes like using an 56’’ flat panel tv (awesome thing) for rowing a boat (not what it is meant for, and is going to end up hurting you). It doesn’t make sense.
-Genesis 3:6-11
TRAPS the world tries to get you to buy in on.
-Traps look good, or it wouldn’t be a trap.
1 Peter 5:8-9
Trap 1- To win a guys attention I must use my body.
-Gestalt-> your mind will add unfinished stuff
-Guys brains especially finish the picture with girls.
-Application: Girls-> the clothes you wear/ Guys-> the way you look at girls
Trap 2 - Sometimes we tell ourselves that we can expose ourselves to pornography or R-rated material and it is no big deal
- S.I. swimsuit edition, R rated movies, Pg -13 movies, Maxim, Macys catalogue all are unhealthy to view even though->
-World says it is no big deal, friends will say it too.
-What is that doing to your mind
Mark 12:30
Application- This stuff gets your mind going where it shouldn’t, like a drug, creates dependence-> you want more and more. Is an addiction that ruins relationships. Not real-> unreasonable expectations
Trap 3- Having a loose definition of “sex” so we can push the boundaries
-How close can I put my hand to the fire without really burning it? Stupid questions, but we do the same with intimacy.
-What is your future spouse doing? What would you want someone doing to your future spouse?
1 Corinthians 6:19-20
-What is the safe zone?
-I think the safest zone is group dating/public dating… never be left alone in a room where no one else is!!!!!
-And remember you are not ready to date until you’re ready to get married. Dating is to find your wife/husband. When you date and you are not ready to get married the reason for dating becomes much different, worldly and self satisfying.

-Drew Froese (Director of Jr. High Ministries)
Saturday @ 6:40
All OFF ROAD information can now be found at www.westgatechurch.org/ministries/students
Parents: OFF ROAD is in desperate need of leaders. We are looking for people who are interested in working with a great group of adults to impact the lives of Junior Highers. If you or someone you knows would be interested in serving in this way then please email drew@westgatechurch.org.
NO OFF ROAD this Saturday
Sunday, May 17, 2009
This Week # 2-36
Posted by -Drew Froese (Director of Jr. High Ministries) drew@westgatechurch.org at 3:57 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 9, 2009
This Week # 2-35
This Week in OFF ROAD we began our 2 part series “G.I. Barbie- guys, girls and relationship” I took the students through God’s design for all relationships. The three main points were:
1.We were all created in God’s image.(Gen. 1:27) So we’re are all unique, special and loved in God’s eyes, and if we want to be like God we must understand the uniqueness and love God has for everyone. This is foundational to our understanding or relationships with everyone, including people of the opposite sex.
2. We were created for relationships. (Gen 2:18-23) God made us to be in relationship with others, and he specifically made men and women to be “just right for each other.” Because God designed relationships we can look to Him for guidance in relationship (i.e. the trinity, unity of believers, Jesus’ disciples) Students need to understand that God’s original design was to be in full relationship with Him, and that needs to be our focus.
3. Our #1 priority should be God. (1 Corin. 7:32-35) God’s designing of a man and a woman might get some Jr. Highers excited with the belief that God wants us to have boyfriends are girlfriends, but as Paul points out in Corinthians, our #1 priority should not be the opposite sex, but God. Until our focus is on Him, we are not ready to focus on getting into a dating relationship.
From my experience and from what the bible says; get right with God, focus on Him and make him relationship priority #1 and if you still desire a more series relationship with the opposite sex then He might just allow that to happen.
***just a side note. I believe that dating is to help find out who you are compatible with for marriage; therefore if you aren’t at a point in your life to get married, you aren’t ready to date. Motivations for dating become very ‘worldly’ if you date when you aren’t seeking a spouse.
I would encourage all parents to set up expectations for dating/ relationships now. It is better to talk things over with your kids and set rules that you can agree upon beforehand rather than trying to deal with it when it comes up.
Posted by -Drew Froese (Director of Jr. High Ministries) drew@westgatechurch.org at 12:17 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 4, 2009
This Week # 2-34
This week in OFF ROAD we had Ryan Ingram finish our “Bling” series. He started with some great stories about how foolish he was as a kid and how if we don’t learn how to use our money the way God asks us to then we will end up doing foolish things too. The biggest point that he made was that OUR STUFF IS SPIRITUAL. What we buy and how we spend our money is spiritual. It says in Matt 6:21, “Where your treasure is, there your heart is.” We must look at our stuff and realize that it is spiritual and if we are consumed with our stuff than our treasure is really here on earth. Later on Matthew says, “No one can serve two Masters…You cannot serve both God and money. We have to realize this and we need to know this sooner than later so we don’t do foolish things with our stuff, and so we can glorify God in all aspects of our life.
One suggestion Ryan made was to have 3 jars: Spending, Saving, And Giving. When your child gets any money the first 10% goes to giving, second 10% to savings and 80% to spend. Now, of course they can increase giving and saving, but always at least 10% in each of those. This we start helping them learn money management and good giving habits, as we want Jr. Higher to start using their money in the way God intended them to.
Questions: Are your spending habits modeling good and Godly spending habits for your children?
Are your children part of your giving? If not I would encourage you to let them participate in your giving, explain why you do it and encourage them to add the family giving.
As your child comes to OFF ROAD, we take a offering for 2 needy kids, one in Ghana, one in Colombia, encourage them to start making giving part of their regular act of worship.
Posted by -Drew Froese (Director of Jr. High Ministries) drew@westgatechurch.org at 8:18 AM 0 comments