

OFF ROAD is the Jr. High place to be! We are the Jr. High ministry here at Westgate Church in San Jose, Ca. This blog is the place to find out what is going on in OFF ROAD, what we are learning about and how to get connected. I ask that you look around, click on some links and if you have any questions contact me (drew@westgatechurch.org)
-Drew Froese (Director of Jr. High Ministries)
Saturday @ 6:40


All OFF ROAD information can now be found at www.westgatechurch.org/ministries/students


Parents: OFF ROAD is in desperate need of leaders. We are looking for people who are interested in working with a great group of adults to impact the lives of Junior Highers. If you or someone you knows would be interested in serving in this way then please email drew@westgatechurch.org.

NO OFF ROAD this Saturday

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

This Week # 2-11

This week in OFF ROAD was another great week. We had about 90 students between the two services and I want to continue to encourage those regular attenders to try and make it to the Saturday night service as the 11:00 service is still very full.

This Week we started a 2 part series titled “The SG factor.” SG stands for small group and in the lesson I talked about what it is that Small Groups exist to do. The heart of what small groups are all about can be summed up in the parable that Jesus tells about the 4 soils. We looked at each of the 4 soils and what in the world Jesus was talking about when he said that, “some seed fell on the path… some on the rocky soil… some on the soil surrounded by thorns … and some in the good soil.” (Paraphrased Matt 13) After we read this parable I asked the students what it meant, and while some students got somewhat close, most students were confused (As were the disciples). We are lucky the disciples didn’t get it either because they asked Jesus what this parable meant. Jesus explains it like this, “The paths are those people who hear the word of God but never understand and don’t accept… The rocky soil represents those who hear the word, quickly accept it, but when their faith is challenged they don’t have deep roots and fall away… The thorns represent the people that hear the word, accept it, but then get entangled in the worries of this life and wealth and that overtakes them… But the good soil is those who hear the word, accept it live it out and produce a crop of 30, 60 or even 100 times that which was planted.”

Each area where the seed landed are really a distraction of this world. The distraction of the path is pride and lack of knowledge. The distraction with the rocky soil is testing of the faith and the distractions of the thorns are the worries of this life and wealth. All of these distractions happen because there is not good soil to root in, there is not the nutrients, soil and water that the plants need, that we need. Small groups exist to help student’s roots be planted firmly in Jesus by surrounding them with the relationships that build them up, encouragement that keeps them focused on God and a group of people that will hold them accountable to what God has called them to be so that they can produce a crop of 30, 60 or even 90 times more.


Please talk over the importance of small groups with your child. Ask them where their biggest distraction is: pride and lack of knowledge, testing of faith, worries and wealth. Ask them how you can help them in each of those areas. Then I urge you to make sure that your child is signed up for a small group and that he or she comes every time so they can secure their roots in Christ.


Anonymous said...

I was SOAPing yesterday and for my prayer I asked God to help me share my faith with others. Then I went to get my PJs on and I came back and I had a missed call from someone that I really dont like. at first I thaught that it was just a coincidence; but today at school, my math teacher put me next to her for the rest or the year. I think that this is the person that God wants me to share my faith with. So who-ever reads this, pray for me that I will listen to God and do what he tells me to do.

Anonymous said...

hey hey people

Will F. said...

Bri - that is totally awesome that you see God working and CHALLENGING you to step out of your comfort zone and share your faith! You have people behind you praying that you'll continue to step out in faith like this and trust that God has a fantastic plan to bring others to know him by you showing love!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the support.

Anonymous said...

today alyssa and i were on the bus coming home from school, and there was this guy by the bus stop and he looked "possesed"(a quote from alyssa)i think he was on drugs... any was long story is short...who-ever reads this can you pray for the dude that he will find God through whatever it is and that he'll realize that doing drugs is terrible for him...well bad 4 anyone really. thanks

Anonymous said...

i think thats great!!!

Anonymous said...

Alyssa and I are getting ready for the back to school dance!!!!!!!It's 7pm- 9pm...YAY!!!!!!! I'm...We're really excited. Tonight is all about fun. I'm going to try to talk to this girl that I really dont like about God on Monday. I'm pretty stoked about it... This is a really big step that I'm taking in my relationship with God.

Anonymous said...

I think I know what to say....Pray that it goes good!!!! hopefully she wont get mad at me that im trying to talk to her about God...

Anonymous said...

she was absesnt today so il talk to her on wednesday... =/

Anonymous said...

See you At The Pole
Who: YOU !! Yes YOU !
What: meet at your schools flagpole
When : 7am ( or whatever time
you can make it) as long
as it is before school
Date 9-24-08
Where : The flag pole at your schoolWhy: to pray !!!!
Check it out:
Lets GO !!!

laurel byrd said...

yeah we raised around $1400 for penny madness (GIRLS WON). we had a lot of fun at laser quest!!!!!!!my prayer:dear god, help me to be a better follower in you and to show people the path to you lord.keep drew and amy's baby girl to grow strong and healty.help me to become a bigger part of the church god your church. i love you god !!!!!!!!Amen.

laurel byrd said...

girls sign up for the all access revolve tour it is going to be so much fun. i will be there.

laurel byrd said...

fishers of men fishers of men...... jk jk lol

Anonymous said...

I'm going to get D.U.S.T.Y !!!

OFF ROAD Calendar

Saturday Night Kickoff