

OFF ROAD is the Jr. High place to be! We are the Jr. High ministry here at Westgate Church in San Jose, Ca. This blog is the place to find out what is going on in OFF ROAD, what we are learning about and how to get connected. I ask that you look around, click on some links and if you have any questions contact me (drew@westgatechurch.org)
-Drew Froese (Director of Jr. High Ministries)
Saturday @ 6:40


All OFF ROAD information can now be found at www.westgatechurch.org/ministries/students


Parents: OFF ROAD is in desperate need of leaders. We are looking for people who are interested in working with a great group of adults to impact the lives of Junior Highers. If you or someone you knows would be interested in serving in this way then please email drew@westgatechurch.org.

NO OFF ROAD this Saturday

Monday, November 3, 2008

This Week # 2-17

“Strengthening our desire to imitate Christ while telling others the TRUTH of who he is.” Truth, the truth is GOD LOVES YOU. God loves you. No you don’t understand God REALLY loves you. More than you can imagine, more than you can understand, more than is comprehensible. God loves you. He is crazy about you. He looks at you and admires you in a huge way. There is nothing you can do about it, He loves you. It doesn’t matter what you’ve done, what has been done to you, who you are, God loves you. He gave his son up to die a insanely painful death for you. God loves you. I know we have all heard, “God loves you,” a lot, but I think that many of us don’t really understand the depth of God’s love. God loves you.

I started off the talk this week stating over and over again that God loves you. I called students by name, telling them that God loves them, described Christ’s death and really tried to help students understand God’s great love. The reason for doing this is I believe that if we really knew how much God loves us then we couldn’t be silent about our relationship with Him. We all know that we are called to share the gospel with others, but we are often too afraid, nervous, and unsure we don’t. But, if we grasp the immense amount of love God has for us our fears, anxiety, and lack of clarity would not stop us from the excitement of being able to express and share God’s love with others. If we know God’s love we should desire to show God’s love.

After speaking on God’s love, I turned to practical ways to help us share our faith. The acronym used is CPR- which, as you know, is a life saving technique, so I think the acronym is pretty cool. CPR stands for:

Communicate with God- We need to have a relationship with God so we can share with other who God is, what he has done and what he means to us. The only way to have a relationship with someone is by communicating with them.

Pray- When it comes time and you feel the tug in your gut to talk to someone about God, PRAY. Ask God for courage, strength and an open heart of the person you are sharing with.

Rely on God- If you are thinking, “I can’t do this,” YOU ARE RIGHT!! You can’t. You need to rely on God. Let God work in and through you. You are his vessel, don’t think that you can do it, but know that God can. Rely on Him. Guess what. When you do this He will come through.


Take a look at this video and then answer these questions with your kids.

How is your relationship with God?

What does it mean to you when I say “God loves you.” (share what it means to you as well)

Who do we know that doesn’t know Christ?

How can we show them God’s love in a radical way?

How can we share God’s love with them?


OFF ROAD Calendar

Saturday Night Kickoff