We ended our DUSTY series this week by looking at the “Y” in DUSTY- Yearning. Yearning to be covered in the dust of the master. In the end this is what it is all about, being covered in the dust of the master. But what does that mean? Do we need to go hang out in a dirt pit and wait to get dust all over us? This week in OFF ROAD we explored what this saying meant to people in Jesus’ time and what it means to us today.
During Jesus’ time the highest achievement one could attain is become a rabbi. Rabbi’s were the best of the best of the best of the best. Everyone else was just not good enough. In fact education started when children were 6 year old and between the age or 6 and 10 children had to memorize the entire Torah (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy) At the end of this time the students were quizzed, and if they knew it precisely and knew what it meant and could quote it word for word then they were allowed to move to the second stage of learning. If they were not the best of the best they were told that they could not move on and they would have to return to their family trade. For those who got to go on the challenge was then to memorize the entire Old Testament. THE ENTIRE OLD TESTAMENT. By age 14 or 15 they had to memorize and know the whole thing. At this time the students would be quizzed and again, if they were not the best of the best they would be told to leave. If they were the best of the best they could approach a Rabbi and ask to take on his yoke. This meant taking on is religious philosophy, following him around everywhere, knowing everything about him and becoming just like him. If a Rabbi was approached he would grill the student with question after question making sure the student knew his stuff and if the student was the best of the best he would take him as a disciple. This disciple would literally follow him everywhere, to know everything about him, to become just like him, getting covered by his dust as he walked the dirt roads. This is where the saying, “May you be covered in the dust of your master.”
Now the great thing about Jesus is we are not required to be the best of the best. We are just required to come as we are, submit our lives to him and yearn to be covered in His dust.
Parents ask your children this week:
What does it look like to be covered in Jesus’ dust?
What steps are you taking to follow Jesus so close that you are being covered by His dust?
What can we do, as a family, do follow Jesus the way He calls us to?
How can you/we grow our desire to be covered in Jesus’ dust?
Spend some time in pray this week ask God to help you grow closer to Him in the ways you discussed.
today was a very exciting day...
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