This Week we broke the students up into grade and gender and asked them these questions (I would encourage you to look through these questions and spend time talking with your child about them as well):
What is peer pressure?
Can there be good peer pressure?
What kind of negative pressure do you see around you?
What are a few pressures that you see actually influencing people around you?
Why do you think those pressures are so influential?
What kind of negative pressures do you face? (really challenge them beyond the big stuff i.e. drugs and stealing are good to talk about, but most kids face cheating, making fun of others, not sharing their faith, lying, not telling all the truth, not loving others, talking behind others backs etc. on a daily basis)
Which pressures are easy to ignore? Why?
Which pressures are hard to ignore? Why?
How do you respond to those pressures?
Do you know how to handle negative peer pressure? How?
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