This Week in OFF ROAD we looked at biblical ways of handling Peer Pressure. Last week was a time of small group discussion of what our Junior Highers are going through, what pressures they face so that this week I could address their specific needs. We looked at a number of verses, and broke it down to 3 main ideas, with the hope that whenever they are facing bad peer pressure they can remember the weird acronym, “SLR”
-Surround yourself with good character -1 Corinthians 15:33-34/ Galatians 2:11 PARENT QUESTIONS= (Are your most important friend’s people who positively influence you? People who keep you accountable to what is right? Will call you out when doing something wrong? Where can you find those friends?)
-Look to the future – Luke 12:35-40 PARENT QUESTIONS= (Are you putting yourself in situations that you know aren’t good? What can you do to avoid those situations ahead of time? What people/situations do you need to avoid?)
-Run – Genesis 39:7-12 PARENT QUESTIONS=(When you get in a situation with peer pressure do you stick around and try not to participate, or do you tend to leave? When have you run from a peer pressure situation? Is it easy or hard for you to get out of a situation? Are you ready to run?)
Parents- not just this week, but continually ask your children about the peer pressure situations they face. Talk to them about how to handle it, and pray with them for strength to do what is right.
I have a Prayer Request!!!
My Grandma is extremely sick. She thought she had emphysema. But as she kept going to the doctors, the found a tumor in her lung. She was diagnosed with Lung Cancer. And to top that she also has Pneumonia. The doctors dont know how much longer she has to live, but we think she'll pass sometime this year. So if everyone who reads this can pray for her then that would mean alot to not only to me; but my grandma and our family.
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