This Week in OFF ROAD we finished our series “Under Pressure,” by looking at what the bible says about our self image. We used 1 Samuel 16:7 and 1 Peter 3:3-5 to help us realize that the most important thing about who we are is not what we look like, but about our love for Christ and others. The three steps I encouraged students to take in improving their thoughts about themselves are:
1. Stop judging others. Just as God looks on the inside we need to do the same. We need to stop judging other’s appearance because that is not Godly and the more we judge others the more we care about what others think of us.
2. Surround yourself with good character- with people who care more about you than what you wear, how good you are at sports, what music you listen to etc. I asked students to think of people they know that care about them and people they know that care about these superficial things, and suggested that they spend most of their time with people who really care about them.
3. Most importantly- find your identity in God. God is crazy about each one of us, but we quickly forget about his love for us as we focus on what others think.
At the end of the lesson I had students open up to psalm 139 and write a personal ad about themselves the way God views them. I asked students to put this by their bed so that whenever they would be continually reminded of God’s view of them so they could find their self image in Him.
Who do you know that cares more about you than what you wear, how you look etc?
Do you find yourself judging others at school for what they look like? Why?
Who is someone in your life that might not look cool, but is very cool (according to God’s standard)? What makes them cool?
What do you think God thinks of you?
Hunt- We need Jr. high volunteers for our HUNT craft table at Bower’s park in Santa Clara THIS SATURDAY. Please be there at 12:30 and stay until 3:00. Let me know if you can make it.
No OFF ROAD next weekend (EASTER)- Jr. high is trying to get a big crew to sit together during the 6:00 service on Saturday try to make it to this service if you can.
Guys Night Out- April 17th @ the gym ($2), 7-10
Girls chick flick night- April 17 @ the Tomasello’s (Free) 8:30-10:30 (406 Union Ave Unit E Campbell)
I have another Prayer Request! It's still about my Grandma. She got test results back and she has about 2 months to live,and I would like to see her live for 3 or 4 months. That's when my dad, (her son)will come home. It would be sad to have him miss her death and funeral. So I guess I want people to pray that God will wait to take her home with him until our whole family has had a chance to say good-bye... Also Pray that the doctors will give her more pain medication so that she'll be pain free. Lately she has been in alot of pain...
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