

OFF ROAD is the Jr. High place to be! We are the Jr. High ministry here at Westgate Church in San Jose, Ca. This blog is the place to find out what is going on in OFF ROAD, what we are learning about and how to get connected. I ask that you look around, click on some links and if you have any questions contact me (drew@westgatechurch.org)
-Drew Froese (Director of Jr. High Ministries)
Saturday @ 6:40


All OFF ROAD information can now be found at www.westgatechurch.org/ministries/students


Parents: OFF ROAD is in desperate need of leaders. We are looking for people who are interested in working with a great group of adults to impact the lives of Junior Highers. If you or someone you knows would be interested in serving in this way then please email drew@westgatechurch.org.

NO OFF ROAD this Saturday

Monday, August 24, 2009

This Week # 2-45

This Week #2-45

We ended our “Heroes” series and our summer with the focus of what we are all about- Jesus. We looked at the awesome example He set in his life, noting what it looks like to be a true hero, something we are all called to be. Jesus loved and loves us tremendously and that loved showed in two huge ways. First, Jesus was humble. We looked at the verses that describe Jesus being betrayed and I talked about how if it were me I would have never let Judas kiss me (in fact I would have probably punched his lights out) and I would have surely not healed the guys ear that got looped of, BUT Jesus, who was going to be killed for being perfect, humbled himself and, not only accepted Judas’ kiss, healed the guys ears, but ended up dying for both of them- WOW!!! Jesus also showed his love through service. Again, Jesus went to the cross enduring pain we couldn’t even imagine all to serve God and to serve us- WOW!!!! The challenge of all this was to make this part of daily prayers – “God give me your eyes, open my eyes to the things unseen and break my heart for what breaks yours.” In doing this and honestly seeking it we will hopefully start seeing the world the way Jesus does and then it will be easier to love others through humility and service, the way we are called to.


Do you desire to love others because Christ first loved you? What does this look like?

How do you think you would treat others different if you saw the world through Jesus’ eyes?

What can you do to make that difference in your life (treating the world the way Jesus would)?

As you return to school, how do you want to love others at school the way Christ loved you?

What is harder for you Humility or Service? Why? How can you get better at both of these? (Hint-practice)


OFF ROAD Calendar

Saturday Night Kickoff