Welcome back to OFF Road as we kick off our 09-10 school year. I hope the transition to the next grade level has been easy on your family and that you are excited to allow God to work in your and your child’s life this year!!!
This week in OFF ROAD we started a 2 part series title “Loneliness is not a word in God’s dictionary.” This series focuses on the important of small groups and how God has created us for community with other believers. We looked at a few verses that I would encourage you to read with your child this week (1John 3:18-20; Matt 12:46-50; 1Peter 3:8; Galatians3:26-29) Each of these verses give us expectation for each other that give us a good look into what authentic community should look like. We used these verses to contrast what a big group setting can give compared to a small group setting. Here are the contrasts I see:
Big group= know a little, loved surface level, listening, Head knowledge, Independent
Small group= KNOWN, LOVED deeply, discussing, Heart knowledge, Dependence
Please have your child sign up , or sign your child up for small groups so they can be known and loved so that they can know and love God.
Questions for to discuss with your child:
What does it mean to have someone really know you?
Do you have anyone in your life (besides family) who really knows you?
What does it mean to have someone that really loves you?
Do you have someone in your life (besides family) who really knows you?
Where can you find someone who could know and love you truly?
What does it take for someone to really know you and truly love you?

OFF ROAD is the Jr. High place to be! We are the Jr. High ministry here at Westgate Church in San Jose, Ca. This blog is the place to find out what is going on in OFF ROAD, what we are learning about and how to get connected. I ask that you look around, click on some links and if you have any questions contact me (drew@westgatechurch.org)
-Drew Froese (Director of Jr. High Ministries)
-Drew Froese (Director of Jr. High Ministries)
Saturday @ 6:40
Saturday @ 6:40
All OFF ROAD information can now be found at www.westgatechurch.org/ministries/students
Parents: OFF ROAD is in desperate need of leaders. We are looking for people who are interested in working with a great group of adults to impact the lives of Junior Highers. If you or someone you knows would be interested in serving in this way then please email drew@westgatechurch.org.
NO OFF ROAD this Saturday
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
This Week #3-1
Posted by -Drew Froese (Director of Jr. High Ministries) drew@westgatechurch.org at 3:10 PM
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