

OFF ROAD is the Jr. High place to be! We are the Jr. High ministry here at Westgate Church in San Jose, Ca. This blog is the place to find out what is going on in OFF ROAD, what we are learning about and how to get connected. I ask that you look around, click on some links and if you have any questions contact me (drew@westgatechurch.org)
-Drew Froese (Director of Jr. High Ministries)
Saturday @ 6:40


All OFF ROAD information can now be found at www.westgatechurch.org/ministries/students


Parents: OFF ROAD is in desperate need of leaders. We are looking for people who are interested in working with a great group of adults to impact the lives of Junior Highers. If you or someone you knows would be interested in serving in this way then please email drew@westgatechurch.org.

NO OFF ROAD this Saturday

Monday, September 21, 2009

This Week #3-3

This week in OFF ROAD we started our new series discussing what the goal of OFF ROAD is all about. Our purpose statement is, “We exist to have a lifelong Devotion to God, Unified with other believers, Strengthening our desire to imitate Christ, while telling others the Truth of who he is and Yearning to be covered in the dust of the master.” We want to help student s get D.U.S.T.Y. This week we focused on what it means to have a lifelong devotion to God. We looked at 1 Corinthians 9:24-27 where Paul is speaking on running the good race so as not to be disqualified.

I taught the whole lesson while running on a treadmill. Throughout the lesson people would come up and try to distract me from running the good race, but I pressed on, making the points that to run the good race we need discipline (even when it is hard we need to give God the time he deserves to build out relationship with him), direction (we need to know where we are going, in each decision we make we need to ask, “Is this taking me away from God or towards him, and we need determination (no matter how hard life gets, how tough people around you make it to be a Christian we must be determined to continue to run for God.) If we do this the prize that Jesus offers is worth more than anything this life could put us through.

Questions for discussion:

How are you disciplining yourself to follow Christ?
Would you say that you are heading toward Christ, away from Christ, or not moving at all? Why?
What is the toughest part about being a Christian? Why is that tough? Is there anything in this world that could rip you away from your faith (or gradually pull)?
What prize does God offer in this life, if we follow him? What prize does God offer in when we die?
On a scale of 1-10 how would you say you are running the race for God (10= full speed, totally living for him/ 1=walking the other way) Do you want to improve that number? How might you improve?


OFF ROAD Calendar

Saturday Night Kickoff